Monday, December 1, 2008

Gotta love Disney!!!

I was in Disney World recently and became the proud participant of the Disney Vacation Club (it’s a time share). As I was signing the papers, I was making casual conversation with the “financial guy.” I said that Disney seemed recession proof. He replied by stating that overall, Disney is doing well. He said that this was due to Disney being diverse. In other words, if attendance is down at the parks, people are ding other Disney related things (going to the movies, buying toys, etc).

Interesting point….to diversify services is to maximize the chances of being recession proof. To put it terms of a psychologist or therapist, how many services can you offer someone? If the number of private evaluations is down, contract with schools, businesses or lawyers. If you have an interest in presenting work shops and trainings, increase the number of topics that you can present. Or adjust the topics that you already have and present to a different audiences (e.g.; a presentation on anger management at a school can become a presentation on stress management at a business).

I’ll give you one of my strengths and one of weaknesses.
My strength: I am a very creative thinker which gives me great ideas
My weakness: I lack the contacts to implement some of my ideas

Hopefully the blog will serve as a way for others to show their strengths and also provide a way to help overcome the weaknesses.

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